..I will pray..
Original Source. 박정수 cyworld
Translation by. Gaia at SJ-WORLD.NET
Leeteuk’s Diary
Posted as 2009.10.15 Written on 2009.10.16 at 04:12 AM
..Today’s Strong Heart recording..
..it’s a super production…
..broadcast is due next week..
..Hodongie hyung~! Thank you for the nice thing you said..^^
..I think Hodongie hyung really likes me..ㅋㅋㅋ
Original Source. 박정수 cyworld
Translation by. Gaia at SJ-WORLD.NET
Source : http://shiningbluey.wordpress.com/2009/10/16/091016-leeteuk-cyworld-sidebar-update-1-diary-entry/#more-12350
Credits to :jenny32@shiningblue
posted by estee28♥~ @ daily kpop news