Recently, Super Junior Kangin got an assault case which until now hasn't been resolved. Yesterday, Kang-in failed to turn up for police investigation and it's gonna worse after he said, "My name is Kim Young Woon, and I am a college student attending Kyung Hee University." today in the "interview" with Kangin (18th).
And there're many comments according to the case. Bitter words toward Kangin continued nonstop.
But, fans don't give up, not only ELF (SJ official fanclub) but also CASSIOPEIA (DBSK official fanclub), SONE (SNSD official fanclub), KAMILIA (KARA official fanclub), SHINEEWORLD a.k.a SHAWOL(SHINee official fanclub), TRIPLE S (SS501 official fanclub), and JUMPING BOA (BoA official fanclub) support him!
Read that article HERE since we can not take it out from the source (sapphirepearls)
I really hope this case will be solved soon and Kangin can be back together with SJ boys and ELF and us..
snowwhite99 @ Daily Kpop News