Super Show 2 at Shanghai has ended last night ! Here are some FANCAMs of it ! Han Kyung sang Betrayal again , still it's awesome . Also towards the question did KANGIN appear ? The answer is no . Ki bum is also not there ! Its saddening but the boys still did perform very well . Enjoy All These Fancams !
Credtis to : pri3an@youtube
Credits to : gengfans@youtube
Credits to : pri3an@youtube
Credits to : pri3an@youtube
Source : http://so.fdlive.com/091018/
Credits to : EuNteUkseasoon1@youtube
Source : http://so.fdlive.com/091018/
Credits to : Sujuthrusts@youtube
Source : http://shiningbluey.wordpress.com/2009/10/19/fancam-super-show-ii-in-shanghai/#more-12665
Credits to : pri3an@youtube