091017 Want to get married with Kimchi and fried rice, Hyukjae
Leeteuk: Eunhyuk do you like girls who know how to cook?
Eunhyuk: Of course, I wish I could marry a girl who knows how to cook good food.
A person should at least eat 2 meals a day, so definitely is a much, especially kimchi. Kimchi Bokkeumbap is an easy dish to make but if it ingredients is added wrongly then it will be different taste and is also a special dish. What I say is true…..
Leeteuk: Do you know how to make it?
Eunhyuk: Of course I know, I love Kimchi Bokkeumbap and that is why I also love girls who know how to make it.
Leeteuk: I always hope that one of these days when I wake up, my wife would say to me “ Honey, let’s eat”, I just love seeing her cook.
Eunhyuk: Morning, by that time I would just eat some toast will do and place the toast on the dinning table beautifully~ hahaha.
Leeteuk: And ladies whom wear guy long big Tee-shirt, with sandals, hahaha!!
Eunhyuk: yes yes, that are guys happiness.
Leeteuk: Helping me to make my tie, “I’m going out for recording~”
Eunhyuk: Why do (we) have to wear that in the morning?
Leeteuk: Comfortable.
091019 10 years later
Eunhyuk: Leeteuk, how will you look like 10 years later?
Leeteuk: I’ll be 37 years old in 10 years time, should be married and have 1 child, maybe there another in the stomach. Might still be doing shows, from an idol group to a excellent MC. Going around Asia, interacting with fans, and having holidays too.
Eunhyuk: I’ll be 34 years old in 10 years time, I wish to be a entertainment company boss….although it still consider young at that age.
Leeteuk: I would like to try it too.
Eunhyuk: My Company will only have girls group, girls only.
Leeteuk: I will have mix combination and I want them to call me teacher, “Teacher Leeteuk~~”
Eunhyuk: This are my dream too.
Leeteuk: (using lee sooman accent) I will reply them “Hmmmm….Good, You guys just need to work harder for better results”
091020 Eunhyuk’s brand Kimchi Bokkeumbap
Eunhyuk: Today I was left alone in the dorm as everyone went out for their work, so I decided to make Kimchi Bokkeumbap.
Leeteuk: You are alone and yet you are still making that?
Eunhyuk: Sometime~
Leeteuk: I’ll never eat if I’m alone.*
Eunhyuk: Actually I don’t feel like eating too but I don’t have a choice as I have a exercise show tomorrow, that’s why I make it.
Leeteuk: How’s the taste?
Eunhyuk: Splendid~ I’m only used to eat the way I cooked it, I’m not used eating others.
Leeteuk: You only added kimchi and rice?
Eunhyuk: Add Kimchi, rice, ham and sesame oil. First, heat up the pan and add sesame oil, after that add kimchi and ham and fried it, last add in the rice and fried it together. I would add some kimchi soup if there isn’t any taste.
Leeteuk: It is really very good?
Eunhyuk: Delicious, very delicious~
Leeteuk: I shall try it next time round. But how could you eat alone when you know I was alone at upstairs?
Eunhyuk: How would I know, I really don’t know and I thought you wouldn’t come down for dinner if you are alone at the dorm? I thought you are not at home since you didn’t come down.
Leeteuk: Okay.
* I think he mean he will not cook if he alone.
091021 Eunhyuk who doesn’t know love
Eunhyuk: Leeteuk, which style does you like a girl to wear?
Leeteuk: Doesn’t matter what she wears as long as I like her.
Eunhyuk: Ah~ I do not particularly like some dressing but I do hate some dressing. **Like those who wear shorts and a belt ties on the shirt, just like a dress…I hate those kind.
Leeteuk: What if the girl who you like wears it, will you hate her too?
Eunhyuk: I will tell her that I hate this style and want her not to wear it in the future.
Leeteuk: You don’t know love at all.
Eunhyuk: Love is love but just don’t wear that kind of shirt.
Leeteuk: No matter how my girlfriend dress I will still think is very pretty.
Eunhyuk: I don’t even like her to wear exposed clothing too.
Leeteuk: Of course, no one will like that. But as I grow, I will always consider what kinds of clothes are more suitable for my age.
Eunhyuk: I don’t feel like we must wear clothes which is match our age but we should wear clothes which shown our age.
Leeteuk: It’s been ages since I shopping, look around online and found out that this year trend are pants which are similar to Super Junior- Happpy time, but I won’t even wear it again.
Eunhyuk: It seems like you are really old, I would still wear it, I like that kind of style.
Leeteuk: Looks like I need to change too.
** I’m not very sure of the style.
091022 Driving recklessly, Lee Dong Hae
Eunhyuk: Last time we went Jeju Island for holiday right, during that time Donghae was the one who is driving, the way he drive is really very weird. First, he don’t even keep to the driving lane.
Leeteuk: If there are two lanes, he will definitely need to follow one.
Eunhyuk: He just drives in the middle of both lanes, so I asked him “Why do you drive this way?” He says is easier for him to overtake another car, which is more fast.
Leeteuk: Driving recklessly!
Eunhyuk: I told him that the way you drive scared the driver behind you and is very dangerous, he say he only drives like this when there’s no car behind him. And leeteuk, you went there on the second day and I was driving it for the 3rd day, during the night Donghae say to me, “Hey, you’ve been driving for the whole day, let me drive it instead” I am so worry at that time but I just want to believe him one more time, so I let him drove. At that time, the road were very dark and there are even road repairing going on, Donghae was the one who is driving and I realise that there is a road repairing going on when we were half way through it.
“Hey, wait! How are we going to continue? By right we should drive on the right lane but suddenly he just changes to left lane and there’s a car in the opposite direction too. It shocked me that I quickly switch on the emergency reverse button to let the car pass through us. He’s really driving it his own way.
Leeteuk: It’s really very scary, but the person who seat beside him is much more terrified then him.
Eunhyuk: But the way he drives is really very ridicules. There’s once where we return to the hotel and Donghae parked the car at a small places which is at the hotel entrance. After entering our rooms, we got a call from the management, saying our car had blocked the walk way, must move it away quickly. So I get Donghae down to do it but the worst is “Eunhyuk ah, we are in trouble”
Donghae actually parked the car on a slope, the car just went down by itself and crush, which is the reason that block the walk way.
Leeteuk: Lucky.
Eunhyuk: Lucky that nothing serious happen, sacred me to death.
Leeteuk: I think DongHae can’t drive anymore.
Eunhyuk: Yes, Everyone please drive carefully, don’t be like him.
Source: onlysj13
Korean to Chinese translation: Kimseohye
Chinese to English translation: summer❤ @sj-world.net
Please do not translate it to other language and credits back fully.