Dara : Wassup~ we 2ne1! Hello, I’m dara from 2ne1. These days, I’m working really hard to make our fans
surprised so,I feel like going back to the time when I was a trainee. Please just wait until it comes out.!
are you guys always gonna check out ME2day for me right?
Minji : Wassup~ we 2ne1! Hello, I’m the youngest Minji from 2ne1. We are doing really great and a bit
busy after huge sucess of our mini album with big love from our great fans. I believe we are evolving
at every single sencond so, just be patient! We will come out with good songs!
CL : Wassup~ we 2ne1! Hello, I’m CL from 2ne1. We 2ne1 are like trainees now working really hard, making
lots of progress, practicing everyday! This (full) album will blow your guys mind so please just wait.^^
Bom : Wassup~ we 2ne1! Hello, I’m Bom the main vocal from 2ne1. I’m really grateful for our fans from Fire to
I Don’t Care, you guys are truly awesome and mean a lot to me. Our brand new album will come up so, just be patient.
Translations: http://21evo.com