With the Wonder Girls in AMERICA for most of this year, I was VERY EXCITED when they revealed that they’d be coming home. I found this article on Naver and had to translate it because the image of SUNMI was SO PRETTY. Article from their recent PRESS CONFERENCE in Seoul.
REMEMBER – this is only a rough translation and may contain errors.
Original message:
“원더걸스는 23일 오후 2시 서울 청담동 트라이베카 클럽에서 기자회견을 갖고 미국 빌보드차트 ‘핫100′ 진입 소감과 향후 계획 등을 밝혔다.
원더걸스의 선미는 “처음 미국에 갔을 때는 매일 밤마다 눈물을 흘리면서 잠들었던 기억이 있다”며 다시금 눈물을 보였다.
선미는 “내가 너무 어려서 외롭고 많이 힘들었지만 나 혼자만이 아니라 멤버들도 있고 (박진영) PD님도 있으니까 많이 힘이 됐다”며 “모든게 낯설었고 적응하는데 시간이 오랜 걸린 것과 언어가 부족해 사람을 만나 대화하는 것도 힘들었다”고 힘들었던 속내를 드러냈다.
선미는 또 “날 모르는 사람들을 상대로 노래 부르고 춤을 추고 음악을 알려드리는 게 무섭기도 했는데 나중에 조금씩 알아보시니까 그게 행복했고 무대에 서는게 너무 좋았다”고 털어놨다.
원더걸스는 지난 6월 말 ‘노바디’ 영어 버전을 미국에서 발표해 10월 31일자 기준 빌보드 메인 싱글차트 ‘핫100′에 진입, 76위에 올랐다. 우리나라 가수가 ‘핫100′에 진입한 것은 빌보드 역사상 처음이다.”
In English:
“On October 23rd, at 2PM, the Wonder Girls held a press conference at the Traibecka Club in Cheongdamdong, Seoul. They discussed their entry into the Billboard 100 charts in America.
Wonder Girls’ Sunmi said, “When I went to America in the beginning, I remember crying myself to sleep every night.” As she talked, the tears came again.
Sunmi said, “I was so lonely and I had a tough time, but the other members and PD, Park Jin-Young cheered me up a lot. Everything was new to me and it took a long time to adapt to it and it was really hard to talk to people because of my language skill.”
She went on to say, “I was scared of singing our songs and dancing to show them our music before we got to know them, but it was getting better and I felt so happy to be on a stage.”
Wonder Girls published ‘Nobody’s English Version’ at the end of June in America, and it has been nominated on the Billboard Single Chart’s ‘Hot 100′ as number 76. It is first time that a Korean singer has been nominated on the ‘Hot 100′”
Full article here
Are you excited to have them back in Korea?
cr: aa-chan