On SBS Star King aired on 31st October, a group of pretty-faced stockbrokers called themselves 6PM and did a parody of 2PM’s ‘I Hate You’ on the show.
All 6 members were good looking and tall, and 6PM instantly won over the hearts of the female guest appearances on the show
While 6PM tried to entertain with their parody, netizens and fans don’t seem to welcome the idea of this group.
Netizens say:
* “At such a sensitive time, they have to do this?”
* “When I saw 6PM, my heart jumped a beat”
* “It’s heartbreaking to see 6PM”
* “Folks, by 6PM, they meant that stock market closes at 6PM.”
o “Right. And ‘I Hate You’ refers to them hating falling stock prices”
* “This will get only crazier tsk tsk”
* “But 6PM does not just have to mean 6 members right? If not 2PM will have only 2 members”
* “Why of all names, 6PM? And why does the production have to air this at this point in time?”
Credits to sookyeong!