Day 12
Because we had so many schedules, I left Dubu with mom.. After a few days, I got Dubu back today! But Dubu grew so much.. TT TT And he doesn't run around cutely now..
Not only that, there's now a mustache.. o.o a two month old puppy now looks like a grandpa;; Aigoo..
And also because he's been sleeping in moms house, he isn't disciplined anymore.. So we're training him again.. What corner should I make as poo land? Oh, he has no shame at all.. With Hara and Jiyoung, we're disciplining him..
But mom finds him more lovable now.. Keke
When mom is watching tv, he follows her, and when she goes to bed, Dubu goes to Dubu's bed as well.. Kekeke.. And he definitely doesn't come out of bed until mom gets up from her own bed.. Hehehe..
When I'm there, he stays still, but when others are around, he gets all over the place.. Kekeke
Right now, he's sleeping in his cage! Hehe
He's lying wide open right now, he's so cute I could die.. He has his one leg up in the air..
If only he knew how to poo properly, he would be perfect..
Tip Off: Mae
Source: Nicole's Cyworld
Translations: coffeebeanie@Karaholic