These stills were released from KBS’s upcoming sageuk-action drama Chuno (Slave Hunters) on the 16th, which feature the drama’s leading lady Lee Da-hae dressed in wedding garb wearing a sad expression on her face.
In the storyline, Lee Da-hae’s character Hye-won is caught in a love triangle between her two male co-stars, Jang Hyuk and Oh Ji-ho. Her love with Jang Hyuk’s character is hindered by the gap in their social standing; while dealing with her disappointment over that love, she meets Oh Ji-ho’s character and the two fall in love. These stills show her sadness at being pressured into an unwanted marriage in order to maintain her yangban (aristocratic) standing.
Chuno, which will premiere on January 6, 2010, is Lee Da-hae’s first role since the disappointment of East of Eden, which was supposed to be a high-profile vehicle for her but instead relegated her to minor supporting character status. She took a long hiatus after dropping that drama, and if pre-show buzz proves accurate, Chuno will be a much better setting for her to show off her talents at melodrama.
Here are a few more stills, featuring Jang Hyuk, Oh Ji-ho, and Kim Ji-suk:
Video: Chuno 추노(Slave Hunter) Trailer:
source:segye || cr:javabeans