Yesterday was DARA’S [2NE1] birthday and after work, she went out for eats with the rest of the girls. Also, TABLO [EPIK HIGH] is in the studio with MITHRA, recording new material and playing with DOK2.
2NE1 Minji

Original message:
“꽃을 든 여자?!ㅋ”
In English:
“Flower or girl?!ㅋ”

Original message:
“블로 초식남필터 쓰라~ 회의하러 갑니다! 플래닛쉬버 12월초 디지털싱글앨범발매~”
In English:
“Blo the herbivorous man filter~ We’re going for a meeting! Planet Shiver is releasing a digital single album in December~”

Original message:
“도끼 따라하기ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 블로 힙합보이간지ㅋㅋㅋ”
In English:
“A Dok wannabeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Blo the Hip Hop Boyㅋㅋㅋ”

Original message:
“도끼와쓰라~ 도끼앨범 나도 주문할거다ㅋㅋ 20일 선주문대결기대하셔~”
In English:
“Dok’s here~ I’ll order Dok’s album tooㅋㅋ You can order on the 20th~”
cr: aa-chan
2NE1 Minji

Original message:
“꽃을 든 여자?!ㅋ”
In English:
“Flower or girl?!ㅋ”

Original message:
“블로 초식남필터 쓰라~ 회의하러 갑니다! 플래닛쉬버 12월초 디지털싱글앨범발매~”
In English:
“Blo the herbivorous man filter~ We’re going for a meeting! Planet Shiver is releasing a digital single album in December~”

Original message:
“도끼 따라하기ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 블로 힙합보이간지ㅋㅋㅋ”
In English:
“A Dok wannabeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Blo the Hip Hop Boyㅋㅋㅋ”

Original message:
“도끼와쓰라~ 도끼앨범 나도 주문할거다ㅋㅋ 20일 선주문대결기대하셔~”
In English:
“Dok’s here~ I’ll order Dok’s album tooㅋㅋ You can order on the 20th~”
cr: aa-chan