Videos are always more fun than simple pictures and this is definitely true in today’s first me2DAY update by 8eight’s BAEK CHAN as he kisses K.WILL! DARA’S looking tired after her MAMA practice.

Original message:
“너무 자서 왼쪽눈쌍커플ㅋ 녹음실 커피심부름 하고있는 블로다…”
In English:
“We’re totally a left eye coupleㅋ I’m running an errand to get some coffee…”
2NE1 Dara

Original message:
“집에선 엄마나 동생옆에 쪼로록가서잣겟지만 여긴 숙소다.. 멤바들중 누구옆에 달라붙어서잘까 고민하다가 혹시나 잘자는애 깨울까봐 포기하고 또 다시가위에눌렷다ㅠ 그렇게 시간은 흘럿고 다크서클과함게 보컬수업까지하고돌아왔다!!”
In English:
“Came from the house to see my mum and younger brother.. The members followed me and they left surprisingly and took my scissors againㅠ And so, I just returned from my vocal training together with my dark circles!!”

Original message:
““여기 우리말고 다른 누군가가있는건가봐!” 라며 또 내가 공포분위기를 만들엇다-_-ㅋ밍끼가무서워하며 급분위기가 싸해지더니 한명이 잠들기시작햇다..근데 정작 내가..어두운방 모두가 잠든 그시간에 무서워잠을못든것이다! 몸은 피곤하고ㅠ그럴때마다 찾아오는 내친구….가!위! …”
In English:
“”Instead of us, you can see another person here!” and I’m going to create a scary atmosphere-_-ㅋ Minji was scared and when she was the only one who wasn’t sleeping..but my muscles..I couldn’t sleep in the dark room even though all others had gone to sleep! My body is tiredㅠ When I feel like that, I look to my friends….Ah!…”

Original message:
“오마이갓 굿모닝!어제 오랜만에 밤을새고 새벽 다섯시반에 숙소에들어간 퉤니.. 넘 피곤해서 정신이 잠깐 출장나간 사이 우린 잠안자고장난과농담을하고있었다.. 그때 밍끼가 “채린언니가킥킥대며 웃엇어요” 라고하는것이엿다 하지만 채린인 조용한것이..벌써 잠이들어버린거같았다..…”
In English:
“Oh my god, good morning! After a long night, I got in at quarter to 5 in the morning 2NE…I’m really tired between appearances and my spirit is lagging.. That time Minji said, “CL unni was chuckling” but CL was quiet.. I’m already feeling sleepy again…..”
8EIGHT Baek Chan
Original message:
“오늘의 미션 수행 성공!ㅋ 백옥통을 찾아주신 우리의 케이윌 형님! 사랑해요 우후훗ㅋ”
In English:
“Today’s mission was a success!ㅋ Baek Ok absolutely had to find K.Will hyung! I love you Oohoohootㅋ”
cr: aa-chan

Original message:
“너무 자서 왼쪽눈쌍커플ㅋ 녹음실 커피심부름 하고있는 블로다…”
In English:
“We’re totally a left eye coupleㅋ I’m running an errand to get some coffee…”
2NE1 Dara

Original message:
“집에선 엄마나 동생옆에 쪼로록가서잣겟지만 여긴 숙소다.. 멤바들중 누구옆에 달라붙어서잘까 고민하다가 혹시나 잘자는애 깨울까봐 포기하고 또 다시가위에눌렷다ㅠ 그렇게 시간은 흘럿고 다크서클과함게 보컬수업까지하고돌아왔다!!”
In English:
“Came from the house to see my mum and younger brother.. The members followed me and they left surprisingly and took my scissors againㅠ And so, I just returned from my vocal training together with my dark circles!!”

Original message:
““여기 우리말고 다른 누군가가있는건가봐!” 라며 또 내가 공포분위기를 만들엇다-_-ㅋ밍끼가무서워하며 급분위기가 싸해지더니 한명이 잠들기시작햇다..근데 정작 내가..어두운방 모두가 잠든 그시간에 무서워잠을못든것이다! 몸은 피곤하고ㅠ그럴때마다 찾아오는 내친구….가!위! …”
In English:
“”Instead of us, you can see another person here!” and I’m going to create a scary atmosphere-_-ㅋ Minji was scared and when she was the only one who wasn’t sleeping..but my muscles..I couldn’t sleep in the dark room even though all others had gone to sleep! My body is tiredㅠ When I feel like that, I look to my friends….Ah!…”

Original message:
“오마이갓 굿모닝!어제 오랜만에 밤을새고 새벽 다섯시반에 숙소에들어간 퉤니.. 넘 피곤해서 정신이 잠깐 출장나간 사이 우린 잠안자고장난과농담을하고있었다.. 그때 밍끼가 “채린언니가킥킥대며 웃엇어요” 라고하는것이엿다 하지만 채린인 조용한것이..벌써 잠이들어버린거같았다..…”
In English:
“Oh my god, good morning! After a long night, I got in at quarter to 5 in the morning 2NE…I’m really tired between appearances and my spirit is lagging.. That time Minji said, “CL unni was chuckling” but CL was quiet.. I’m already feeling sleepy again…..”
8EIGHT Baek Chan
Original message:
“오늘의 미션 수행 성공!ㅋ 백옥통을 찾아주신 우리의 케이윌 형님! 사랑해요 우후훗ㅋ”
In English:
“Today’s mission was a success!ㅋ Baek Ok absolutely had to find K.Will hyung! I love you Oohoohootㅋ”
cr: aa-chan