2PM will be making their comeback on the 13th (without Jaebum) as they will perform on KBS' Music Bank. Their site has been on a countdown the past couple days and something good is expected to be revealed in less than two days.
Many interests have been surrounding this countdown because coincidentally, everything is starting to line up. The JYP auditions will soon be in Seattle (home of Jaebum) as the countdown and the comeback stage is getting many fans to be hopeful for their leaders return.
However, their manager said that "nothing can be revealed and only thing we can tell you is that they will make the comeback on the 13th."
When asked about 2PM performing as 6 in the new album release, he replied "nothing has changed." JYPE went further and said that the "auditions in Seattle have nothing to do with Jaebum... we don't know who will go to Seattle and if they will meet with Jaebum."
So as it still stands, there will be no Jaebum. However, I have a theory that might not sit well with a lot of fans and it's something I've been saying since day one of the episode. This is just my opinions so please don't get it mixed up or anything.
I believe Jaebum will come back but not yet. It has been rumored that 2PM's upcoming album is a full length album (not mini). What I'm thinking is, is that the upcoming album will be released without Jaebum and some if not all songs will not include Jaebum. Couple months into the album, Jaebum will come back and JYPE will release a repackaged album that has Jaebum in it, doubling the potential sales.
Why do I think this way? JYP is a smart business man, if I was him, this is what I would do.
That's just one theory of mine. Let's see if I'm wrong.
cr: omgkpop