Posted by Daul Kim
say hi to xin&danny's styling for 2NE1
So this is a female version of bigbang…
my friends xin and danny are styling them!
im so proud of them!!!!! <3
korea is really…super conservative country
were the most… taoist out of i guess..all of north east asia
although south korea is capitalist country,
we had dictatorship in the 70's so our parents like grew up with no…
rock music (one time they put all the rock musicians in jail)
and when my dad was going to college they did this thing where
men's hair is longer than a certain length under ear, they get fined or
cops come and shave their hair…
also curfew for everyone after 11:30pm u cant be on the street or something
extreme right?
so even when dictatorship was gone,
for koreans ALOT of things can offend alot of people so…easily
people get offended when they see tattoo bleach hair….etc (i got both:P)
so all the celebrities/actors/musicians end up always playing things safe
and they all look the same… so boring!!!!!!

go xin and danny~!!!<3
Her post on 2009/05/06
"say hi to paris life"
men's hair is longer than a certain length under ear, they get fined or
cops come and shave their hair…
also curfew for everyone after 11:30pm u cant be on the street or something
extreme right?
so even when dictatorship was gone,
for koreans ALOT of things can offend alot of people so…easily
people get offended when they see tattoo bleach hair….etc (i got both:P)
so all the celebrities/actors/musicians end up always playing things safe
and they all look the same… so boring!!!!!!

go xin and danny~!!!<3
Her post on 2009/05/06
"say hi to paris life"

go xin and danny~!!!<3
Her post on 2009/05/06
"say hi to paris life"

Xin and jiyong came couple days ago and it was so fun
i am alone in my apartment in i guess.. le halles???? area
i make big salads everyday
i kinda changed…i used to shop everyweek but nowdays i just…didnt go at all
i kinda lost … drive to shop…until
i went to Jean paul gaultier and bought this tattoo top
i really love it but its kinda cold to wear it
uhhh i really miss my mom, mom's house and friends back home and my guineapig