ven with the explosive popularity of ‘Ring Ding Dong,’ SHINee will still have to perform with only 4 members on the night of November 13 as Onew still hasn’t fully recovered from Swine flu.
Last week while Jonghyun was still recovering from Swine flu, Super Junior’s Yesung substituted his spot on Music Bank. Lee Teuk, then, followed the example on Music Core in Onew’s place. However, on Music Bank this week the group will have to perform without any help.
The official representative said ‘The 4 members will take the stage on their own. Although Onew has recovered but it’s still not enough to perform on stage.’
According to the representative, Onew will be stopping by the hospital for a check up to determine whether he’s fully recovered.
Since two members have already been diagnosed with the flu, the other 3 members including Minho, Key, and Taemin have also received preventive checkup but, fortunately, all three appeared to be healthy with no symptoms.
cr: spazzwithme