Japanese Sub: Best Hit Kayosai 2009.
Tonight at 7 PM. Live! From Kobe world memorial hall.
Miynane: Oh that kind of place it is for you.
(T/N: Meaning, TVXQ's first tour was held at this hall. So, it is a memorable place for TVXQ.)
MC: We asked TVXQ to come out during the hectic and busy rehearsal time,
so please ask more questions to them.
All: LOL.
Miyane: Today. What kind of stage does TVXQ plan to deliver?
MC: What kind of stage, today?
YH: Well, first of all, we will do our best!
All: LOL
MC: And you know what, Mr. Miyane?
Miyane: Yes.
MC: This stage where we are standing right now.
It is surrounded by the audiences seat for 360 degree.
MC: Yes, it is really big.....
(T/N: Urrr~~~gh, I wish I could be right in front of TVXQ! ^^)
(T/N): Currently the part 3 is not up yet. Let us see what else will come up soon from Japan.
Uoooo~~~fun fun fun! ^^ Can not wait to see the Best Hit Kayosai video soon!! ^^
Always Keep The Faith!
Source: Miyaneya TV+haruka0120
Translated by:
Shared by: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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