This episode of strong heart is quite interesting! Boomkigayo(Boom academy) has it usual comedy act but this time round its a parody of G.O.D + Kim tae woo and later
son dam bi. Also, this time round Lee Seung Gi is paired up with son dam bi and
after they did Andre Kim favourite scene, eeteuk and eunhyuk rush up and say ' Yoona is watching!'.
The winner of this episode is seo in gook, champion of superstar K, a talent search competition. He revealed that before he joined the competition, he tried out for JYP several times and has gotten rejected because of this body type which he says that he was similar to MC Kangs body type. He went on a diet and became anorexic as he force himself to vomit the food he eat. He couldnt sing due to this in the second round of audition in Jyp. But now, he survived in the competition as 1 out of 720000
This was the last episode of Boom academy in strong heart but next ep, its gonna be teuk academy!
Credit: minniemink @ YT
posted by ting18♥ @ daily kpop news