Shin Ji Hoon, a contestant from SBS ‘K-Pop Star’ season 2, has signed a contract with Cube Entertainment’s sub-label, ‘Cube DC’.
Cube Entertainment confirmed on June 19, Shin Ji hoon. who possesses pure, soulful voice has decided to join Cube Entertainment’s CUBE DC. We ask for your support of Shin Ji Hoon’s bright future ahead with her big potential.”
Cube’s president Hong Seung Sung also shared, “I gained a rare jewel today. I never felt happier. Her voice is like a clear sky after rain. She has the potential to be a big star.”
Shin Ji Hoon rose to the Top 10 of ‘K-Pop Star 2’ and gained recognition for her vocal talent. The singer already released her single “Foolish Head” for the ‘Secret of Birth’ OST prior to her official debut.